To prevent any confusion about the citation style and bibliographic style for the papers in the Medieval Studies 20C class, here are some rules:
1) Only include material that you actually used in your paper; this is not a list of research books.
2) Make sure the citation and the bibliographic reference coincide. For example, you might have this in your text:
We English are widely known as conquerors of nations (Frossart, 684), and we justly deserve this fame. ...In the bibliography, you would have:
Frossart. Chronicles. In Readings in Medieval History. Ed. Patrick Geary. 2nd Edition (Ontario: Broadview Press, 1997. Pp. 683-706.
3) For the Bible, cite it in this way:
... you are told by God to glorify Him (Psalm 104:1)..or
... your writer Paul says you must sacrifice yourselves (Romans 12:1)It should be alphabetized under "B":
The Holy Bible. Trans. Ronald Knox (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1956).
4) Articles in the Dictionary of the Middle Ages should be cited by article author in the text:
.. I have not be trained in old Roman rhetoric, but I know its value (Murphy, 351)...In the Bibliography, this would be:
Murphy, James. "Rhetoric, Western European." In The Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Ed J. Strayer (New York: Scribner's, 1988- ). 10, 351-364.The author's name can be found at the end of the article.
5) Web references: give the title of the page and the uniform resource locator--the web address:
The Black Prince Home Page: an author is given, cite him in the text; otherwise, give the title:
... I'm now thinking of becoming an Accountant (Edward III Home Page)....Clearly you won't be able to give a page reference, but if some ordering system is being used, include that.
6) Office hours. If you found out something in office hours, please note that:
... I, the Prince of Wales, believe that I may free whomever I choose (Office Hours), andIn the Bibliography, give the name of the person you talked with, and the date this occurred:
Office Hours, with Bea Crockett, Wednesday, 2/22/2000.Other Office Hours can be marked in differentiating ways.
7) email citations. If no subject is given, but the author is known, place it alphabetically under the author's name:
the French were not particulary vicious (Gardiner, 2/21), nor were they particularly sarcastic (Gardiner, 2/22)This can be entered as:
Gardiner, Francis. Email message mst020c. February 21, 2000. _______. Email message mst020c. February 22, 2000.