Historical Synopsis for the Middle East, Eastern and Western Europe, 1000-1700

Islam Byzantine Empire Western Europe
1300's Seljuk Turks Decline 1320's Civil Wars among Byzantines
1328 Kievian Metropolitan now in Moscow
1305-78 Popes in Avignon
1321 Death of Dante
1330's Mongol Ilkhanate Declines 1331 Great Prince in Moscow 1338-1453 Hundred Years' War
1346-51 The Black Plague 1347-53 The Black Plague 1347-50 The Black Plague
1343 Birth of Chaucer
1354 Ottomans take Gallipoli 1355 Death of Serbian Stefan Dushan 1356 Battle of Poitiers
1360-75 Mamluks take Armenia 1360's Growth of Poland and Lithuania
Civil Wars in Byzantium
1360 Treaty of Brétigny
1377 Gallipoli Turkish Capital 1378 Beginning of Papal Schism
1389 Battle of Kossovo Polye
Ottomans Defeat Serbs
1380 Battle of Kulikovo
Muscovites Defeat Mongols
1381 Peasants' Revolt in England
1396 Battle of Nicopolis
Ottomans Defeat French, Hungarians
1391-1425 Manuel II in Byzantium 1394 Death of Petrarch
1401 Timur takes Damascus,
1399-1402 Manuel II in West 1409 Council of Pisa
1419-36 Hussite Wars in Bohemia
1411 Defeat of Teutonic Knights at
Grunwald (Tannenburg)
1415 Battle of Agincourt
1422 Turks Besiege Constantinople 1425 Civil War in Bohemia 1422 Death of Henry V
1444 Battle of Varna
Turks Defeat Poles
1446 Janos Hunyady
Hungarian Regent
1445 Henry VI Marries
Margaret of Anjou
1446 Brunelleschi dies (b. 1377?)
1453 Conquest of Constantinople 1458 Turks Repelled at Belgrade 1453 End of Hundred Years' War
1453-55 Gutenberg Prints Bible
1467 Turks Take Herzegovina 1463 Matthias Corvinus in Hungary 1469 Ferdinand Marries Isabella
Marsilio Ficino publishes Theologia Platonica
1472 Ivan III Marries Byzantine Sophia 1471 Crisis in Wars of Roses
1484 Portugese at Mouth of Congo 1485 Corvinus Captures Vienna
1485-1495 Ivan III brings Italian architects to rebuild Kremlin
1485 Henry Tudor Defeats Richard III
Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur
1492 Fall of Granada
1494 Birth of Suleiman the Magnificent
1491 Hapsburg Success in Central Europe
1492 Turks Defeat Hungarians at Save
1493 Turks Invade Dalmatia and Croatia
1490 Founding of Aldus Manutius' press in Venice
1492 Death of Lorenzo the Magnificent
1495-7 Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper
1498 Vasco da Gama reaches India
1502 Safavids in power with Isfahan as capital 1505 Ivan III (The Great) dies (b, 1440) 1501-4 Michelangelo, David
1503 Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa
1508-12 Michelangelo, frescoes for the Sistine Chapel
1509 Erasmus, In Praise of Folly
1509-11 Raphael, frescoes for the Stanza della Segnatura
1517 The Ottoman Selim Yavuz defeats the Mamluks in Egypt
1513 Machiavelli, The Prince
1516 Castiglione, Book of the Courtier
1516 Thomas More, Utopia
1519 Charles V becomes Holy Roman Emperor
1519-1521 Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the world
1521 Suleiman II, the Magnificent, takes Belgrade
1526 The Battle of Panipat, India, and the Moghul conquest
1526 Louis of Hungary dies at the Battle of Mohacs
1528 The Ottomans take Buda in Hungary
1529 The Turks besiege Vienna
1520 Raphael Santi dies (b. 1483)
1527 Sack of Rome
1533 Ivan IV (The Terrible) becomes Czar 1536 Martin Luther dies (b. 1483)
1534 Henry VIII founds Anglican church
1534 Ignatius of Loyola founds Jesuit order
1535 Thomas More executed
1543 Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Spheres
1545-1563 Council of Trent
1547 Henry VIII dies (b. 1491)
1556 Ignatius of Loyola dies (b. 1491)
1558 Queen Elizabeth I crowned
1565 Battle of Malta
1560 John Knox founds Presbyterian church
1562-1598 Religious wars in France
1564 John Calvin dies (b. 1509)
1564 Michelangelo Buonarroti dies (b. 1475)
1571 Battle of Lepanto
1578 The Battle of Qasr al-Kabir, Morocco
1572 John Knox dies (b. 1510)
1572 Dutch Revolt begins
1572 St. Bartholomew's Day massacre
1574 Giorgio Vasari dies (b. 1511)
1576 Titian dies (b. 1485)
1584 Ivan IV (The Terrible) dies (b. 1530) 1582 Gregorian calendar reform
1588 Spanish Armada
1598 Edict of Nantes
1603 Battle of Urmiyah. Iranians defeat Turks
1600 Giordano Bruno dies (b. 1548)
1603 Queen Elizabeth I dies (b. 1533)
1610 Assassination of Henry IV of France
1610 Galileo publishes The Starry Messenger
1611-1632 Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden
1616 Cervantes dies (b. 1547)
1616 Shakespeare dies (b. 1564)
1618-1648 Thirty Years' War
1627 Kepler, The Rudolfine Tables
1630 Kepler dies (b. 1571)
1637 Descartes, Discourse on Method
1640 Rubens dies (b. 1577)
1642 Cardinal Richelieu dies (b.1585)
1642 Galileo Galilei dies (b. 1564)
1642-1660 English Civil War
1649 Execution of Charles I
1683 The Turks defeated at Vienna
1682 Peter The Great, Czar (until 1721)
1660 Royal Society founded
1667 John Milton, Paradise Lost,
1669 Rembrant dies (b. 1606)
1680 Bernini dies (b. 1598)
1687 Newton publishes Principia Mathematica