MARCH 11-12, 2005


Friday, March 11, 2005

8:30-9:30 REGISTRATION [Seven Hills: Lobby and Coit Lounge]


Receptions of Antiquity [Seven Hills: Twin Peaks Room]

Chair: Emily Albu [Classics, University of California, Davis]

Vergil in the Middle Ages”

Rose Marie Deist [Modern and Classical Languages, University of San Francisco]

Dante’s Ovidian Oneirics: Eros Redeemed?”

Andrew Matt [Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis]

Music, Words, and the Female Body [Cantina]

Chair: Phyllis Brown [English, Santa Clara University]

Gendering the Harp: Stringed Musical Instrument as Female Body”

Nancy E. Bowen [Music, Claremont Graduate University]

"'And spek vor me, thou one': Mary and Perfected Language in the Middle English Lyrics"

Georgiana Donavin [English, Westminster College]

Sex and Gender [Towers: Presidio Room]

Chair: Henry Ansgar Kelly [English, University of California, Los Angeles]

Sex with Eunuchs and the Implications of Sexual Difference”

Mathew Kuefler [History, San Diego State University]

The Medieval Mae West? Chaucer’s Wife of Bath as Female Camp”

Lisa Manter [English, Saint Mary’s College of California]

Poetic Intersections: Cecco Angiolieri and the Troubadours”

Selby Schwartz [Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley]

Old English into Print [Towers: Richmond Room]

Chair: George Brown [English, Stanford University]

The First Critical Edition of an Old English Text”

Carl T. Berkhout [English, University of Arizona]

Of Facts and Facsimiles: Representing the Medieval Book”

Siân Echard [English, University of British Columbia]

Tolerance and Intolerance [Towers: Sunset Room]

Chair: Fred Astren [Jewish Studies, San Francisco State University]

The Middle Ages in the History of Toleration”

Glenn W. Olsen [History, University of Utah]

Loving thine enemy: Reconciling the Crusades and Christianity in German Romance”

Karina Marie Ash [German, San Francisco State University]

Innocent IV and the Organization of Inquisitorial Activity in Italy, 1251-54”

Peter Diehl [History, Western Washington University]

11:00-11:30 BREAK [Seven Hills: Coit Lounge]


Uses of the Past [Cantina]

Chair: Ned Lee Fielden [Library, San Francisco state University]

Going Greek: An Investigation of Medieval Scotland’s Non-Trojan Heritage”

Lisa Justice [History, University of California, Davis]

Subverting the Stuarts: The Revival of Anti-Imperialism in Gologras and Gawane

Randy Phillip Schiff [English, University of California, Santa Barbara]

"A 1779 Attack on Abbot Suger of St. Denis and Twelfth-Century Monasticism"

Georgia Wright [National Coalition of Independent Scholars, Berkeley]

Shapeshifting and other “Trolldoms” [Towers: Presidio Room]

Chair: TBA

The Loathly Lady’s Agency in Hrólfs saga Kraka and ‘The Wife of Bath’s Tale’”

Marijane Osborn [English, University of California, Davis]

Trolls and Trolldómr in Hrólfs saga Kraka and Other Sagas”

Janice Hawes [English, University of California, Davis]

“’He sleeps and sends’: Grendel’s Ecstatic Attack and Bjarki’s Bear Helper”

Stephen Glosecki [English, University of Alabama at Birmingham]

Piety and Ecclesiastical Power [Towers: Richmond Room]

Chair: Thomas Turley [History, Santa Clara University]

“’Both Mary and Martha’: The Vita of Bishop Lietbertus of Cambrai (1051-1076) and the Fashioning of Episcopal Sanctity in a Border Diocese”

John S. Ott [History, Portland State University]

'Appeased by the prayers of my Mother, I shall be merciful to the Franks:' The Virgin and Marian devotion in the Chronicles of the First Crusade”

Vincent Ryan [History, Saint Louis University]

Foster-mother of vipers’: Santa Verdiana, Episcopal Conflict, and the Development of the Commune of Castelfiorentino”

Corinne Wieben [History, University of California, Santa Barbara]

Chaucer and Gower [Towers: Sunset Room]

Chair: Georgiana Donavin [English, Westminster College]

Hateful Contraries in the ‘Merchant’s Tale’”

John Fyler [English, Tufts University]

Moral Gower and Moralizing Chaucer”

Anne Salo [Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis]

Pleasure, Poetry, and the Rhetoric of Royal Address in the Confessio Amantis

Amanda Walling [English, Stanford University]

Early English Perspectives [Seven Hills: Twin Peaks]

Chair: Roger Dahood [English, University of Arizona]

Beowulf’s Deathbed Confessions: History and Heroic Language”

Donna Beth Ellard [English, University of California, Santa Barbara]

Æfter <thorn>an flode: National History and the Encyclopaedic Tradition in La3amon’s Brut.”

Scott Kleinman [English, California State University, Northridge]

"The 'Fates of Men' and the Fears of Their Mothers: Maternal Point of View in an Old English Poem from the Exeter Book"

Murray McGillivray [English, University of Calgary]

1:00-2:00 LUNCH [Seven Hills: Nob Hill Room]

2:00-3:00 FIRST PLENARY SESSION [Humanities Building: Room 133]

"Remembering and Forgetting Aristocratic Women: A Tale of Two Judiths."

Patrick J. Geary [History, University of California, Los Angeles]

3:00-3:30 BREAK [Seven Hills: Coit Lounge]


Royal Narratives [Cantina]

Chair: Michael Curley [Honors, University of Puget Sound]

Wace’s Representation of Henry I in the Roman de Rou

Charity Urbanski [History, University of California, Berkeley]

Icelanders in the English Courts”

Nichole L. Sterling [Scandanavian, University of California, Berkeley]

Narrative Rendered as Illustration: ‘Li Rei de Engleterre’ in Two Genealogical Texts”

Sharon Goetz [English, University of California, Berkeley]

Flowers and Gardens in Cross-Cultural Perspective [Towers: Presidio Room]

Chair: Rev. Penelope Duckworth [Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real]

Praying with Herbs: The Contemplative Life of a Franciscan Lay Preacher, Rose of Viterbo”

Darleen Pryds [Franciscan School, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley]

Montezuma’s Gardens: The Impact of Aztec Botany on Mediterranean Culture, 1519-1600”

Fabio Lopez-Lazaro [History, Santa Clara University]

The Saint of Silicon Valley: Clare of Assisi and Her Horticultural Legacy”

Nancy Lucid [Lucid Landscape Design, San Jose]

Expressions of Law [Towers: Richmond Room]

Chair: Piotr Górecki [History, University of California, Riverside]

Wapentake: Symbolic and Real Force in Germanic Law”

Michael McGlynn [Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, Wichita State University]

Death of a Carolingian Paradigm: Metropolitan Power, the Canonists, and Fourth Lateran”

Anthony Perron [History, Loyola Marymount University]

Family Dependence: Representation in the Eyre Courts of Thirteenth-Century England”

Arlene M. W. Sindelar [History, University of British Columbia]

God and Free Will: Mid-Thirteenth-Century Responses [Towers: Sunset Room]

Chair: Barnabas Hughes [Emeritus, California State University, Northridge]

"The Influence of Aristotelian Psychology on Rufus' Account of Free Will"

Jennifer Ottman [Philosophy, Stanford University]

"Richard Rufus of Cornwall and St. Anselm"

Rega Wood [Philosophy, Stanford University]

Comments: Hester Gelber [Religious Studies, Stanford University]

The Jewish Middle Ages [Seven Hills: Twin Peaks Room]

Chair: Brenda Deen Schildgen [Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis]

Becoming Beloved? Encounters between the Jewish Sage and Muslim and Christian Power in Megilat Achimaatz

Julia Watts Belser [Jewish Studies, University of California, Berkeley, and Graduate Theological Union]

Visigothic Echoes in the Toledo of the Jewish Period”

Francisco J. Martin [World Languages, California State University, San Marcos]

Awakening Obedyah: The Lasting Importance of an Eleventh-Century Conversion Text”

Christina R. Wilson [Franciscan School, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley]

7:00-9:00 BANQUET [McCormick & Kuleto's Restaurant at Ghirardelli Square]

Saturday, March 12, 2005

8:30-9:30 REGISTRATION [Seven Hills: Lobby and Coit Lounge]


Image and Representation [Towers: Presidio Room]

Chair: Virginia Jansen [Art History, University of California, Santa Cruz]

Personification and Theater: The Medieval Morality Play”

Julie Paulson [English, San Francisco State University]

The Gilded Cage: A Look at Bird Imagery in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales

Christina Francis [English, Arizona State University]

Sensual Splendor: The Icon in Byzantium”

Bissera V. Pentcheva [Art History, Stanford University]

Byzantium and Landscape in Lorenzetti’s Palazzo Pubblico Frescoes”

Anne McClanan [Art, Portland State University]

Discoveries in Manuscripts [Towers: Richmond Room]

Chair: Michael Calabrese [English, California State University, Los Angeles]

Paris BnF Codex Grec 54 and Princeton University Codex Garrett 3: A Copy/Model

Relationship for their Greek Gospel Texts?”

Kathleen Maxwell [Art History, Santa Clara University]

Helena, the Finding of the True Cross, and those Mysterious Rabbits of Plimpton MS 40B”

Kevin P. Roddy [Medieval Studies, University of California, Davis]

A New Date for William of Aquitaine’s ‘Song of Penance’”

Marc Wolterbeek [Literature, Notre Dame de Namur University]

"The Ambiguity of the Book: Readings, Redactions, and the 1480 Rusch edition of the Glossa Ordinaria"

Mark A. Zier [San Francisco, California]

Cults and the Making of Meaning [Towers: Sunset Room]

Chair: John Ott [History, Portland State University]

"Crux Fidelis: The Rise to Distinction and Eminence of the Christian Cross"

James K. Otté [History, University of San Diego]

Learning from Orderic Vitalis’s Mistakes: Relic Theft and Historical Method”

Amanda Jane Hingst [History, University of California, Berkeley]

The Making of a Lay Saint’s Cult in Lucca”

Mary Harvey Doyno [History, Columbia University]

“’Margarete, the storye dothe hir calle’: The Textual Invention of St. Margaret of Antioch”

Marisa Libbon [English, University of California, Berkeley]

Uses of the Holy [Seven Hills: Twin Peaks Room]

Chair: Maureen C. Miller [History, University of California, Berkeley]

Transforming Marian Miracles Through Context: BPT, SC MS 55 and the Catalonian Frontier”

Kathleen Stewart [History, University of California, Berkeley]

Canon and Canonization: Direct Revelation and Adam Easton’s Defense of St. Birgitta”

Lawrence R. Jannuzzi [History, University of California, Berkeley]

Chaucer’s ‘Clerk’s Tale’ and Holy Fear”

Claire Banchich [English, Lewis and Clark College]

Transvestites, Anchorites, Wives, and Martyrs: How Legends of Female Saints were read by Fifteenth-Century Florentine Women”

Lisa Kaborycha [History, University of California, Berkeley]

Narrative and Romance [Cantina]

Chair: Sharon Kinoshita [Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz]

Losing Fairies in Le Bel Inconnu and Bataille Loquifer

Bérénice Virginie Le Marchand [French, San Francisco State University]

Courtly Love and Knightly Violence in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival

Peter Sean Woltemade [German, University of California, Berkeley]

The Political Implications of Narrative Disruption: Chaucer’s ‘Tale of Sir Thopas’ and ‘Squire’s Tale’”

Arthur W. Bahr [English, University of California, Berkeley]

The Memory of Loss: Expressing the Inexpressible in the Tosa Nikki and Dante’s Vita Nuova

Barbara J. S. McKee [Comparative Literature and Medieval Studies, University of California, Berkeley]

11:30-11:45 BREAK [Seven Hills: Coit Lounge]

11:45-12:30 MAP BUSINESS MEETING [Seven Hills: Nob Hill Room]

12:30-1:30 LUNCH [Seven Hills: Nob Hill Room]

1:30-2:30 SECOND PLENARY SESSION [Humanities Building, Room 133]

The Language of Fraud in Dante's Malebolge”

Warren Ginsberg [English, University of Oregon]

2:30-3:00 BREAK [Seven Hills: Coit Lounge]


Observations of the Natural World [Towers: Presidio Room]

Chair: Meg Worley [English, Pomona College]

The New Geometry of Raymond Lull, O.F.M.”

Barnabas Hughes [Emeritus, California State University, Northridge]

Animals in Dante's Commedia

Brenda Deen Schildgen [Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis]

As the World Turns: The Body, the Cosmos, and the Astrolabe”

Victoria Sweet [Anthropology, History and Social Medicine, University of California, San Francisco]

Images in English Incunabula [Towers: Richmond Room]

Chair: Maidie Hilmo [English, University of Victoria]

Pictures in Print in English Books for Lay Readers (and some French Sources)”

Martha W. Driver [English and Women’s and Gender Studies, Pace University]

Putting the King together Again: the Pictorial Scheme of Caxton’s Game and Playe

Jenny Adams [English, University of Massachusetts, Amherst]

The Clerk’s ‘Unscholarly Bow’: Reading Caxton’s Woodcuts for the Canterbury Tales

Maidie Hilmo [English, University of Victoria]

Women and Religion in Late-Medieval England [Towers: Sunset Room]

Chair: Dorothea French [History, Santa Clara University]

Private Liturgies and the Power of the Word: Books of Hours as Healing Texts”

Stephanie Volf [English, Arizona State University]

Draco Interdum Vincit? The Influence of Arundel’s Constitutions on The Book of Margery Kempe

Lisa Di Liberti [English, Michigan State University]

Julian of Norwich and the Rhetoric of the Late-Medieval English Sermon”

Jenny Rebecca Rytting [English, Arizona State University]

Boccaccio and Chaucer [Library: DeBellis Room (6th floor)]

Chair: Elizabeth Walsh [English, University of San Diego]

Ricardian and Trecento Spatialities”

John M. Ganim [English, University of California, Riverside]

Another Look at the Ugly Crow in Boccaccio’s Il Corbaccio

Michaela Paasche Grudin [Emerita, Lewis and Clark College]

Time and ‘Time Off’ in Chaucer and Boccaccio”

Leonard Koff [Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of California, Los Angeles]

4:45-5:30 CONCERT OF EARLY MUSIC [Seven Hills: Nob Hill Room]

William Mahrt [Music, Stanford University], Director

5:30-6:30 RECEPTION [Seven Hills: Coit Lounge]


Those attending the MAP meeting will find two exhibits of interest:

Scholar’s Press will display newly published books on medieval Europe, which will be available for sale at a discount. The display, located in Seven Hills: Russian Hill Room, will be open on Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The DeBellis Collection, located on the sixth floor of SFSU’s library, will have an exhibit of early and rare books on Dante and other fourteenth-century Italian authors. The exhibit will be open on Friday and Saturday from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m.