Medieval Studies 20C: Medieval Transformations
- Course Syllabus
Email Archive
- Previous Email Messages
Reading for the Course
- Table of Historical Events Historical Background (January 7)
- Sample Position Paper The Logic of Position Papers (January 10)
- Peasants' Revolts in the Tyrol The Peasants' Revolts (January 19)
- Donatus Popular Spirituality (3): Hagiography (January 26)
- Margaret Popular Spirituality (3): Hagiography (January 26)
- Catherine of Siena The Great Schism and the Councils (January 28)
- In Praise of Merchants Trade and Commerce (January 31)
- Cathay Trade and Commerce (January 31)
- Surgery Late Medieval Medicine (February 7)
- Modern Ergotism. St Anthony's Fire (February 9)
- Boccaccio The Black Plague (February 11)
- Weapons. Armor. Late Medieval Technology Small Size(February 14)
- Weapons. Armor. Late Medieval Technology Large Size(February 14)
- Mills Late Medieval Technology (February 14)
- Architecture Northern Architecture (February 16)
- Italian Culture, I Italian Architecture (February 18)
- Jean Pucelle and Duccio French, Flemish and German Art (February 23)
- Printing Manuscripts and the Origin of Printing (February 25)
- Italian Culture, II Italian Art (February 28)
- Petrarch Literary Forces: Love (March 3)
- Villon Literary Forces: Death (March 6)
- The Cornish Ordinalia Fifteenth-Century Drama (March 8)
- Chaucer Chaucer (March 10)
Duke Federico da Montefeltro [Paper due March 15, 2000]
Duke Federico da Montefeltro
Sample Paper and Bibliographic Format
- Sample Paper
- Sample Bibliography