Medieval Studies 20C: Medieval Transformations

Course Syllabus

Email Archive

Previous Email Messages

Reading for the Course

Table of Historical Events Historical Background (January 7)
Sample Position Paper The Logic of Position Papers (January 10)
Peasants' Revolts in the Tyrol The Peasants' Revolts (January 19)
Donatus Popular Spirituality (3): Hagiography (January 26)
Margaret Popular Spirituality (3): Hagiography (January 26)
Catherine of Siena The Great Schism and the Councils (January 28)
In Praise of Merchants Trade and Commerce (January 31)
Cathay Trade and Commerce (January 31)
Surgery Late Medieval Medicine (February 7)
Modern Ergotism. St Anthony's Fire (February 9)
Boccaccio The Black Plague (February 11)
Weapons. Armor. Late Medieval Technology Small Size(February 14)
Weapons. Armor. Late Medieval Technology Large Size(February 14)
Mills Late Medieval Technology (February 14)
Architecture Northern Architecture (February 16)
Italian Culture, I Italian Architecture (February 18)
Jean Pucelle and Duccio French, Flemish and German Art (February 23)
Printing Manuscripts and the Origin of Printing (February 25)
Italian Culture, II Italian Art (February 28)
Petrarch Literary Forces: Love (March 3)
Villon Literary Forces: Death (March 6)
The Cornish Ordinalia Fifteenth-Century Drama (March 8)
Chaucer Chaucer (March 10)

Duke Federico da Montefeltro [Paper due March 15, 2000]

Duke Federico da Montefeltro

Sample Paper and Bibliographic Format

Sample Paper
Sample Bibliography